What fun it was to participate in Storytelling Design's Pop Up shop in Maastricht last December. Together with 16 other Dutch designers we were showing our products and the stories behind it.

Storytelling-Design organizes a unique shop concept, where high-quality Dutch design is linked to an event in the city. In the shop you get the opportunity to stimulate your senses: look, feel, listen and be amazed. That is being done by mixing different design disciplines, from cabinets to jewelry, from lamps to clothing and from garden sets to bags. The story behind design adds value, gives it a place in your heart and makes it yours.
Are you curious about the stories behind our KuvaLights? Every month for the next few months we will highlight one of our lamps and share the inspiration.
When signing up for our newsletter, you'll stay up to date, not only when we come out with an inspiration story, but also when there's a new lamp or new developments in KuvaLight or when we join Storytelling Design's Pop-Up shop again.